From the airport to Ketchikan
The Ketchikan International Airport is on Gravina Island just five minutes by ferry from Ketchikan (Revillagigedo Island).
Ferries depart from the airport on the hour and half-hour; ferries depart from the city to the airport 15 and 45 minutes after the hour.
The fee is $6.00 per person on way. Cash and credit card are accepted at the toll booth near the airport. Free baggage carts are available for walk-on ferry passengers.
From the ferry terminal to your hotel
Cape Fox Lodge has a shuttle, call 907-225-8001 to let them know when you will be arriving.
The Landing Hotel has a shuttle, call 907-225-5166 to let them know when you will be arriving.
My Place Hotel gives out vouchers for Sourdough Taxi 907-225-5544. When you arrive at the hotel run in and ask for a voucher to pay to taxi.
If you need to get to any other place, you can call Sourdough Taxi 907-225-5544.