Frequently Asked Questions

Seagriculture USA

11 - 12 September 2024

Ketchikan, Alaska, USA

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is it easy to get to Ketchikan?Getting to Ketchikan is relatively easy, although the options may be somewhat limited compared to larger cities. Ketchikan has its own airport, the Ketchikan International Airport (KTN), which receives regular flights from major cities in Alaska and the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. Flying is the most convenient and fastest way to reach Ketchikan.
  • What do I need to consider when booking flights?To secure the best fares and ensure availability, it's advisable to book your flights well in advance, especially as the conference is in the summer season. Early booking also gives you more options and flexibility. We are pleased to offer a discount code of 5% exclusively applicable when booking flights with Alaska Airlines. The instructions on how to utilize the code and the conditions are provided on our website
  • Is it easy to find an accommodation?It's advisable to book accommodations well in advance during the summer period. Ketchikan offers a range of accommodation options, including hotels, lodges, bed and breakfasts, vacation rentals, and cabins. We have arranged special prices for the conference delegates in some hotels. Please check out the information on our website about accommodation.
  • What are the transportation options within Ketchikan?In Ketchikan, you can easily get around by walking, as the downtown area is compact and pedestrian-friendly. Taxis, rental cars, and bicycle rentals are available for further exploration and convenience. Additionally, water taxis can be used for transportation between islands and remote areas. Check out our page How to get there to find out more about flights and how to get from Ketchikan airport to the center.

  • What is the weather like in Alaska?
    Alaska's weather varies greatly depending on the region and season. In general, winters are cold with temperatures often below freezing, while summers are mild to warm. Coastal areas like Ketchikan experience milder temperatures due to the moderating effect of the ocean.
  • What are the top attractions in Ketchikan?
    We have prepared a series of site visits that will allow you to not only learn more about seaweed farming in Alaska but also see the unsurpassed beauty of the region. All site visits will take place on 10 September 2024. What else you can see:Totem Bight State Historical Park: A park featuring totem poles and native Alaskan art.Creek Street: A historic boardwalk lined with shops and restaurants along Ketchikan Creek.Misty Fjords National Monument: A pristine wilderness area known for its stunning fjords, waterfalls, and wildlife.Alaska Rainforest Sanctuary: A nature reserve offering guided walks, wildlife viewing, and an opportunity to learn about the rainforest ecosystem.Saxman Native Village: A cultural center showcasing Native Alaskan art, dance, and totem poles.
  • Can I go whale watching in Alaska?Yes, Alaska is one of the best places for whale watching. Several areas along the coast, including Ketchikan, provide opportunities to spot humpback whales, orcas (killer whales), and other marine mammals. Many tour operators offer whale-watching excursions, either from boats or as part of larger wildlife cruises.
  • Can I see the Northern Lights in Alaska?Yes, Alaska is one of the best places to witness the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis). The best time to see them is during the dark winter months, from September to April, when the skies are clear and the geomagnetic activity is high. Fairbanks and the Arctic regions of Alaska offer excellent viewing opportunities.



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