Smart farming: physics and finances of seaweed cultivation structures
Tobias Dewhurst, Ocean Engineer, Kelson Marine, USA
6 - 7 September 2023
Portland, ME, USA
Smart farming: physics and finances of seaweed cultivation structures
Tobias Dewhurst, Ocean Engineer, Kelson Marine, USA
About the speaker:
Dr. Tobias (Toby) Dewhurst leads the ocean engineering firm Kelson Marine Co. He is an experimental and numerical hydrodynamicist who specializes in the interaction of floating structures with waves and currents. He has led industry and research projects in ocean renewable energy and open-ocean finfish, shellfish, and macroalgae aquaculture and is active in both research and development of tools, methods, and solutions for challenging ocean engineering applications. His mission is to make high-quality ocean engineering accessible to low-margin blue economy industries.
Company info:
Born on New England's working waterfront and leveraging years of ARPA-e funded research and development, Kelson Marine uses rigorous metocean and risk analysis and field-validated, model-based engineering tools to deliver cutting-edge marine systems at the speed of innovation.
By combining advanced engineering knowledge and technology with firsthand experience on the sea, Kelson delivers safe and reliable systems for aquaculture and marine renewable energy.