Trade Show Participants 2022
Maine Department of Economic & Community Development
DECD and its partners work collaboratively to support business development through available resources that Maine has to offer. From millions of dollars in tax credits, reimbursements, research and development credits, to capital loans and even direct investment. Every year DECD helps Maine communities attract new investment, create jobs, and grow their infrastructure with unique programs.
Maine Technology Institute (MTI)
The Maine Technology Institute (MTI) is an industry-led, publicly funded nonprofit organization whose mission is to stimulate the growth of technology-intensive companies that create quality jobs across the state. Funded directly through DECD, MTI offers capital and commercialization assistance, loans, and grants, partnering to finance technology development projects as well as collaborative activities to strengthen Maine’s high-potential technology clusters. MTI also administers the Maine Technology Asset Fund, the State’s $53 million bond program boosting research and economic development across Maine.
Maine International Trade Center (MITC)
The Maine International Trade Center (MITC) is DECD’s official international trade and investment office, a public-private partnership supported by the contributions of member companies and the state. MITC provides technical assistance, trade counseling and workshops, import and export leads, and international credit reports, as well as organizing and facilitating international trade shows and missions abroad.
Maine North Atlantic Development Office (MENADO)
The Maine North Atlantic Development Office (MENADO) was formed in 2013 as an initiative of the Maine International Trade Center to increase trade, investment, and collaborative activity between the State of Maine and markets of the North Atlantic and to develop Maine’s engagement in Arctic affairs.
Arctic change will have a direct impact on Maine’s economy, coastline, and natural resources. MENADO develops strategic relationships throughout the region to ensure Maine’s place in the global conversation about the Arctic and empowers businesses in the state to leverage sustainable development opportunities. MENADO facilitates Arctic geopolitical and economic conversations as they relate to Maine interests and provides leadership and consultation with other states and communities wishing to enter the dialogue.
Metal Production
Metal Production is a contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) strong in designing, modeling, and producing non-standard upstream, midstream, downstream equipment for aquafarming, marine, and offshore industries.
Metal Production is a coordinator of the Rocket cluster and has a network of 100+ subcontractors in the Baltic Region. We aim to gather key engineering companies and investors (owners-partners) to help startups with our expertise in global challenges facing the blue industry in recruiting water and oceans.
Murre Technologies
Murre Technologies has been supplying the EasyFarm system with which mussel seed cultivation is possible, for almost 20 years. Seaweed cultivation and processing is their next development. Murre Technologies is building a harvester that harvests the seaweed from the cultivation nets in the sea. Sowing seaweed is also part of the EasyFarm concept, which is why they supply the complete system for harvesting and sowing the seaweed. We have also developed a seaweed bubble washer to sort the sand and undersized waste such as crustaceans from the product during the washing process. The system is equipped with separation rollers for this, the washing water is continuously filtered through a separator drum. To reduce the iodine content, we use a blanching/cooling system.
In short, we are your partner in seaweed harvesting and processing!
SINTEF is one of the largest independent non-profit research institutes in Europe with over 2200 employees and an annual turnover of 320 M €. While industry-driven applied research is the core of SINTEF's activity, the institute coordinates and participates in numerous research-driven projects and academic collaborations nationally, and internationally through EU-programs (H2020, ERA, etc). Furthermore, SINTEF is highly active in translating research to commercial applications through licensing of in-house developed technologies and establishment of spin-off companies.
SINTEF Industry, Department of Biotechnology and Nanomedicine is a department of 100 researchers and technical staff and currently participates in over one hundred research projects covering nearly all fields of biotechnology. Marine biotechnology and biopolymers are core areas of expertise and strategic relevance, and SINTEF has over 20 years' experience working with seaweed-derived innovations.
SINTEF Ocean conducts research and innovation related to ocean space for national and international industries. Our ambition is to continue Norway's leading position in marine technology and biomarine research. Many of the challenges of modern society can be solved through sustainable use of the ocean. Transport, food and energy production represent the backbone of ocean-based industries, and are also core areas for SINTEF Ocean. In addition, we focus on environmental technology, with one of the world’s leading professional environments in marine environmental technology. Through cooperation in the SINTEF group, we are also able to integrate our own expertise with expert technological knowledge from other industry sectors. SINTEF has a long tradition for being a knowledge supplier and a good partner for Norwegian companies. We will continue to be so in the future, and through SINTEF Ocean we have established a centre of gravity for marine and maritime research, both in Norway and internationally.
Oceanfarmr is the complete ocean farm operations management system.
Map your operation, manage crop, equipment and staff, save time and make data driven decisions.
Revolutionise how your seaweed, mussel or oyster farm operates with oceanfarmr
Gulf of Maine Research Institute
Gulf of Maine Ventures
Gulf of Maine Ventures is the business development and impact investment arm of the Gulf of Maine Research Institute. Starting in Portland, ME, we bridge the gap between innovative, blue economy businesses and the capital, technical knowledge, and networks needed to help them grow.
More information can be found on our website here:
Algae Planet is your 3X weekly online magazine covering the world of algae, micro to macro. From developments in the seaweed industry to breakthroughs in applications for algae in its many forms, keeps you up to date on algae research, energy, food & feed, health & nutrition, the environment, and the people building the industry of today and tomorrow. provides an effective vehicle to market and advertise companies and products to the algae industry. can convey your message to over 8000 algae professionals and enthusiasts 24/7 and presents the most consolidated publishing platform for suppliers to reach new customers.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science (NCCOS) deliver ecosystem science solutions to sustain thriving coastal communities and economies. We provide coastal managers the information and tools they need to balance society's environmental, social, and economic goals.
Pro-Oceanus is a global leader of dissolved CO2 sensors. Designed for the harshest environments, our sensors can be used to provide valuable CO2 monitoring in your algae systems, enabling accurate carbon accounting, optimized supply of feedstock, and understanding the health of your system. With a broad variety of sensing options, Pro-Oceanus can help to advance your efforts in algae growth.
Grantham Foundation
The Grantham Foundation is a private charitable foundation with a mission to protect and improve the health of the global environment. The Foundation seeks to raise awareness of urgent environmental issues and supports individuals and organizations to find solutions. Over the last several years, the Grantham Foundation has funded an extensive portfolio of projects focused on breakthrough technologies to drastically reduce emissions and remove CO2 from the atmosphere.
North American Kelp
North American Kelp is strategically located on the idyllic coast of Maine. They quickly and locally process fresh, sustainable seaweed and harness its unique properties to promote a healthy harvest. Plants and animals thrive on their products’ potent nutrients and bioactive compounds. They are industry pioneers with more than 50 years of experience in utilizing the natural power of the sea, where nature grows best.
Global Seafood Alliance
The Global Seafood Alliance (GSA) is dedicated to advancing responsible seafood practices worldwide through education, advocacy and third-party assurances. GSA convenes industry leaders, academia and NGOs to collaborate on cross-cutting issues like environmental and social responsibility, animal health and welfare, food safety and more. GSA is a membership-driven organization, including individuals, corporations and seafood producers. The organization is currenting undergoing expansion of the membership program to students, small businesses and sole proprietors to work closely with a broader community of supporters of responsible seafood practices.
Show your support for respsonsible seafood by becoming a member today!
SWD Connectors
We are an international team of senior experts that cover all aspects along the seaweed value chain, ranging from breeding to biorefinery, and from farm design to supply of seaweeds.
We enable productive seas and oceans, by farming at sea as we do on land, however, with much less negative impacts and much more economic, social and environmental benefits.
SWD connectors provides top-level seaweed consultancy services. We can help you to develop your ideas or to materialize your projects, products and/or seaweed business.
GreenWave works with coastal communities to create a blue green economy that ensures we all make a living on a living planet. Its farmer-led organization helps small- and medium-scale fishermen and shellfish growers integrate kelp into their businesses in a polyculture model known as regenerative ocean farming. GreenWave’s goal is to train 10,000 farmers and hatchery technicians by 2030, to catalyze the widespread adoption of regenerative ocean farming and yield meaningful climate, marine ecosystem, and economic impacts. GreenWave’s resources are intended to support the emerging industry as a whole, with priority given to the needs of fishermen, Indigenous groups, and other under-resourced coastal communities directly affected by climate change to ensure they benefit from the industry’s growth.
GreenWave launched an online Regenerative Ocean Farming Hub in
April 2022 to accelerate resource sharing to a broad audience to rapidly expand adoption of the model. Hub components include an interactive farm design and budgeting tool; seed-to-harvest curriculum for new and experienced ocean farmers and kelp hatchery
operators; a community forum to connect farmers, hatchery technicians, and other stakeholders to disseminate best practices; and Seaweed Source, a digital platform that connects regenerative ocean farmers and buyers.
Algae Foundation
We see a future that embraces algae as an essential solution for a sustainable and healthy planet. Our mission is to promote the power of algae to enhance human society and contribute to a sustainable environment through education, workforce development, mentoring, and public outreach.
To accomplish its mission, the Algae Foundation:
New England Ocean Cluster
The New England Ocean Cluster's mission is to create value in the Blue Economy by discovering new opportunities for sustainable growth through connecting purpose-driven people and organizations. In June of 2020, the NEOC officially opened the Hús, its collaborative workspace located in the heart of Portland, Maine’s working waterfront. The building features 20 glass-front offices, a 14-desk work area, a cafe, and premium meeting spaces. The Hús, (Icelandic for House), now serves as the backbone for much of the NEOC's collaborative programming and an exciting gathering place for those active in the Blue Economy.